The Honorary Professor of the NATO DEEP eAcademy Awarded

This is the Rector of Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy Varna, Flotilla admiral Boyan Mednikarov, Prof. DSc., M.Sc., who was awarded the title of Honorary Professor of the NATO DEEP eAcademy. The symbolic ceremony was held on the 23rd of May, during the DEEP Ukraine Annual Programme Review held in Lublin, Poland.

Admiral Mednikarov received the award for significant activities having a real impact on shaping favorable conditions of NATO DEEP/ NATO DEEP eAcademy operations, development and significantly enriching the output of the Programme. Apart from the respective diploma, Admiral Mednikarov also received the statuette, while its founder had
been the NATO DEEP eAcademy strategic partner – Polish Association for Security.

Since 2015, Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy has participated with its expertise in the implementation of the goals related to naval education and training within the NATO DEEP – Ukraine programme. Flotilla admiral Boyan Mednikarov, Prof. DSc.M.Sc., is the academic lead of the activities for Odessa Naval Institute. The programme
achieved tremendous progress within many different initiatives and projects introduced. One of the examples is the cyber security program for the Odessa Maritime Academy. 16 experts from Bulgaria, Lithuania, Poland, the USA and Ukraine attended a seminar on cyber security at Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy. The goal was to prepare a cybersecurity program for students at the Naval Institute at the Odessa Maritime Academy.

Biography of Flotilla admiral Boyan Mednikarov, Prof. DSc.M.Sc. is available at: