Annual ILIAS event featured NATO DEEP eAcademy participants
The 23rd ILIAS Conference was held in Graz on September 5-6, with the participation of representatives of the NATO DEEP eAcademy. It was an excellent opportunity to present the latest solutions and functionalities... READ MORE
NATO DEEP eAcademy launches new workshop / on AI tools for teachers and trainers
NATO DEEP eAcademy is proud to introduce a new initiative: a 2-week, 7-day online workshop designed specifically for NATO Partner Nations. This workshop will focus on the practical application of Generative AI tools... READ MORE
PfPC ADL event featured NATO DEEP eAcademy SME
The PfPC Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Working Group Workshop took place on September 12-13, 2024, in Oeiras, Portugal. More than 40 participants from 16 countries, including NATO staff and country representatives from Armenia,... READ MORE
NATO L&TIG Autumn 2024 Meeting featured NATO DEEP eAcademy participant
The NATO Learning & Technology Interoperability Group held an Autumn meeting in Bergen (Norway) between the dates 8-12 September 2024. The group has worked on the mandated tasks and discussed many current topics related... READ MORE
The annual NATO Traning Technology Conference featured NATO DEEP eAcademy participant
The NATO Training Technology Conference (NTTC) was held in Oeiras, Portugal, on September 10-12, 2024, gathering experts and spokespersons from 31 countries, including Armenia, Australia, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czechia, Finland, France,... READ MORE
NATO DEEP eAcademy new workshop – AI related
The NATO DEEP eAcademy is actively looking into ways to explore emerging technologies and their impact on education. Starting October 2024, we are going to offer opportunities that relate to Artificial Intelligence (AI).... READ MORE
NATO DEEP Dive Vol. 1 is launched!
Marking the beginning of an important series dedicated to examining various international security and defense topics. This book aims to provide in-depth analysis and foster a better understanding of critical global issues such... READ MORE
IACUBUS for LMS ILIAS versions 8+ is introduced
The new version of the IACUBUS app is now available – 4.8.0. This release marks a significant milestone for the IACUBUS app, which now also fully supports LMS ILIAS platforms running versions from 8.0.... READ MORE