The first NATO DEEP ADL 2024 newsletter is available

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The end of the year is also the opportunity for general observations and conclusions. NATO continuously and significantly supports military education in fifteen partner nations through the Defence Education Enhancement Programme (DEEP)e. The Programme helps partners to build, develop, and reform their professional military education institutions by establishing validated common references for military education. In 2023, the Programme executed 497 events – online and in-person – involving 1061 Allied and 1634 partner subject matter experts and reaching out to over 1097 partner faculty and students. In 2023, three publications were launched to expand a line of DEEP Reference documents, Faculty Development Curriculum Guide, Non-Commissioned Officer School Instructor Development Reference Curriculum, and Russian War against Ukraine Lessons Learned Curriculum Guide are the latest addition to a DEEP “toolbox” in supporting partners. Also in 2023, the Counter-Terrotrsim Reference Curriculum ADL course (e-CTRC) was launched, and is now open to participants from Allied and partner countries.

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