The First Honorary Professor of the NATO DEEP eAcademy Awarded

This is Ernest Beno, Brigadier-General (Retired), Canadian Army, who was awarded the first title of Honorary Professor of the NATO DEEP eAcademy. The symbolic ceremony was organised in Yerevan during the Academic Lead hand-off ceremony, involving i.e. Prof. Dr Sven Gareis, former Programme Manager for DEEP Armenia. After about ten years with NATO-DEEP Armenia and five years as Academic Lead, Ernie Beno handed off to Col. (Retired) Prof. Stan Anton of Romania.

During the period of his activities, NATO DEEP has seen tremendous progress in Advanced Distributed Learning, Integrity, and Good Governance, the Master Instructor Programme from the faculty development toolbox, and several other initiatives. In his farewell letter to the NATO DEEP Community, the Honorary Professor wrote: I have considered it to be a duty, a responsibility, even though I have been a volunteer. I will cherish the friendships that have developed. I have passed on what I could, but learned much along the way. I did what I could to help with professional military education, which I hope will contribute to a professional military supporting a democratic nation, which will lead to a comprehensive and strong security and defence posture for Armenia and Armenians.