Subject 07 – Multimedia creation (podcast, videocast)
Subject Multimedia creation – podcast & videocast of the NATO DEEP eAcademy e-Instructor Certification Programme, Edition #3, has successfully ended. This subject focused on practical skills on how to easily and engagingly create podcasts and videocasts for students and how to use videos for educational purposes. Tutors of this subject were two SMEs: Assoc. Prof. Urszula Doliwa Ph.D and Ph.D Szymon Zylinski from the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. For the next two weeks, the participants will have the possibility to gather new knowledge in Subject #8: Innovative technologies in online teaching.

Our Tutors:
Assoc. Prof. Urszula DOLIWA, PhD
NATO DEEP eAcademy Media Coordinator
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Assoc. Prof. Urszula Doliwa, PhD is a Head of the Institute of Journalism and Social Communication, University of Warmia and Mazury (UWM), Poland. She is an author of the book Radio studenckie w Polsce (Student Radio in Poland) and Radio społeczne – trzeci obok publicznego i komercyjnego sector radiowy (Community Radio: The Third Sector of Broadcasting along Public and Commercial). She was also a guest editor (together with Judith Purkarthofer) of the special issue on community radio of The Radio Journal: International Studies in Broadcast and Audio Media [15: 2, 2017]. Her research interests centre on community media, radio, podcasting and new media. Urszula Doliwa is an expert and a former vice-chair of the organisation involved in promoting community media sector in Europe – Community Media Forum Europe, a member of the Polish Communication Association, the Radio Research Section of ECREA and the Editorial Board of the Polish journal Media – Kultura– Komunikacja Społeczna (Media – Culture – Social Communication).
Szymon Zylinski
Szymon Zylinski, Ph.D., is an assistant professor at the Institute of journalism and Social Communication, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland. He researches media in Bhutan and mediatization and likes to utilize Q-methodology in his scientific endeavors. He taught at Maltepe University, Royal Thimphu College, and was a visiting scholar at Ryerson University, University of Turku, and Simon Fraser University. He mostly conducts classes about internet video production, and in his free time records videos for his YouTube and TikTok accounts.