The first Online Teaching Fundamentals Course is launched

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We’re excited to share that our very first edition of the Online Teaching Fundamentals Course (OTFC) has officially kicked off! In the opening session held on 28 October, 29 participants from 12 countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Mauretania, Moldova, Morocco, Nigeria, Romania, Serbia, Tunisia, Türkiye, and Ukraine) gathered virtually to get acquainted with the course structure and meet their fellow educators. The inauguration lecture was delivered by Mr Fergal O’Regan – Acting Head of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC), the EU body that provides training and education in the field of the Union’s Common Security and Defence Policy. 

Throughout the course, we’ll be exploring a range of topics designed to empower teachers in the digital classroom. From innovative teaching methodologies and active learning techniques to incorporating multimedia like podcasts and videos, the program is packed with practical insights. We’ll also be diving into emerging technologies that are set to shape the future of education.

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who has contributed to making this launch a success – our dedicated team, inspiring instructors, and of course, the passionate educators who’ve joined us. We’re looking forward to the collaborative learning and fresh ideas that this course will undoubtedly foster.

Stay tuned for more updates as we navigate through the modules and share highlights from our collective learning experience!