Online Teaching Fundamentals Course Booklet is published! 

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Considering the launching of the new activity within the NATO DEEP frames – Online Teaching Fundamentals Course (OTFC), the dedicated booklet has been recently published, explaining all the essential details. It has been prepared jointly by Marcin Jozwiak and Magdalena Stabla – both from the NATO DEEP eAcademy – and also acts as a comprehensive guide to help participants navigate the OTFC effectively. The publication is divided into four parts, each serving a distinct purpose: (1) Introduction, (2) General Information, (3) Modules, and (4) Technical Guidelines.  

The OTFC is a direct successor of the e-Instructor Certification Programme. Over four years, six editions of the Programme have been completed, with 132 alumni from 25 NATO Allied and Partner Countries. One point remains unchanged – the Jean d’Andurain Prize. It will be awarded to the participant who earns the highest total points from both the discussion and article activities.

The opening ceremony of the OTFC edition #1 will be held on 28 September, while the selection process is ongoing, as planned.

The PDF version is available at: