NATO Building Integrity Awareness ADL course in Ukrainian – update

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On the NATO Representation in Ukraine (NRU) Facebook profile, the post about the latest developments regarding the NATO Building Integrity ADL course in Ukrainian has been recently published. This course has been accessible, from the beginning of June, on the NATO DEEP ADL Portal, while the final solution/approach is the result of the collaborative efforts involving two institutions of the Defence and Security Cooperation Directorate of Operations Division: (1) Governance and Institutions, (2) Defence Education Enhancement Programme and also NRU. The Ukrainian translation of the course enables representatives from the defence and security sectors to complete and generate the respective certificate. To date, more than 101,000 participants have completed this format, including members of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the National Guard of Ukraine, the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, the National Police of Ukraine, the State Emergency Service, the Security Service of Ukraine, and many other institutions. The National Agency of Corruption Prevention and the national coordinator for NATO BI policy implementation have significantly promoted the course among relevant institutions.

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