LMS ILIAS Bootcamp Edition #1 is finished!

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The first edition of the new format, dedicated to the LMS ILIAS administrators, and named Bootcamp, organized by NATO DEEP eAcademy and the Polish Association for Security, was held from July 15th to 19th in Olsztyn. The workshop covered a comprehensive range of topics to equip participants with the necessary skills and knowledge for effective use and administration of the platform. The event began with an introduction to ILIAS, providing an overview of its key features. Participants learned the basics of ILIAS administration, including navigation, managing user accounts, and setting permissions. They also covered server management for ILIAS, exploring system requirements and server architecture, followed by detailed instructions on ILIAS installation, from download to server configuration. Participants also delved into content and course management, learning to create courses and manage content effectively. They explored advanced editing features and the import/export of content. The workshop attended eight participants from Ukraine, Georgia, and Tunisia. The second edition of the ILIAS Bootcamp is scheduled for the first half of August, while the third one is scheduled for the first half of October.