Jean d’Andurain – always in our hearts and minds

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NATO DEEP eAcademy is named after Jean d’Andurain – one of the founding fathers of NATO’s Defence Education Enhancement Programme (DEEP). His vision was clear: through DEEP, everybody is a winner. From 2005 to 2018 he implemented this vision, while coordinating programmes on defence education aspects of NATO cooperation plans with partners, which that date included Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Mauritania, the Republic of Moldova, Mongolia, Serbia, Uzbekistan and Ukraine.

Jean passed away in 2018 and his funeral was held at the Church of Saint-Jacques in Locquirec, in Brittany, France. As it finished, the morning drizzle gave way to beautiful sunshine so that the over 200 congregants could walk to the nearby cemetery where Jean was laid to rest. From 2019, each year, this place is visited by the NATO DEEP Team, to pay tribute and to lay a symbolic flower bucket. His invaluable work is carried onwards in his name and memory by his colleagues and friends. Notre cher Jean, ce n’est qu’un au revoir.

Photos taken this year, see below.