The Episodes: #16 and #17 of DEEP Dive are two-part series titled Women in Afghanistan, Dr Sajjan Gohel speaks with his guests – Meetra Qutb and Lina Rozbih on how the decline of women’s rights in Afghanistan has global security ramifications.
In the Episode #16 Dr Sajjan Gohel speaks with Meetra Qutb who is an independent researcher and commentator on Afghan politics who has worked with refugee and migrant organisations in the United Kingdom. We discuss the plight of Afghans especially women under Taliban rule and the impact that is having within Afghanistan as well as the wider international security implications.
In the Episode #17 Dr Sajjan Gohel speaks with Lina Rozbih, a civil liberties activist and acclaimed award-winning journalist, writer and poet in the Dari language. Lina is also the author of The Promise of Paradise, which is a collection of poems depicting war, women’s rights issues and refugee life.
Seek out the newest episode on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts.
The complete interviews, with the transcripts, can be found at: