Episode 30 of DEEP Dive is available!

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In Episode 30 of DEEP Dive, Dr. Sajjan Gohel speaks with Daniel Koehler who is the Director of the German Institute on Radicalisation and De-radicalisation Studies (GIRDS) which he established in 2014. Daniel’s research is primary focused, and he has developed several corresponding programmes in dealing with radicalisation. He has also published numerous articles and chapters on the topic. Daniel works with governmental agencies to help coordinate prevention networks against violent extremism. Amongst several affiliations with universities and institutes, Daniel is also on the Editorial Board of the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism (ICCT) in The Hague.

Seek out the newest episode on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.

The complete interviews, with the transcripts, can be found at: https://deepportal.hq.nato.int/eacademy/deep-dive-podcasts/