e-Instructor Certification Programme Edition #6 is now underway!

On February 24th, the 6th edition of the programme kicked off with an Opening Ceremony. Participants were welcomed by the opening speech of the NATO DEEP eAcademy Director Assoc. Prof. Piotr Gawliczek, who spoke about the dynamics of the new learning ecosystem. He also introduced the e-ICP Team, led by Marcin Jozwiak – NATO DEEP eAcademy Deputy Director for Academic Affairs and Programme Manager. This launching ceremony also means that 31 enthusiastic programme members, from 8 NATO and NATO Partner countries, embarked on their journey, eager to hone their skills in crafting impactful online learning experiences. Throughout the five-month program, they will:

  • Master the art of distance learning methodology.
  • Gain the know-how to design engaging and effective online courses.
  • Develop the competencies essential for thriving as an e-teacher or within an e-learning team.
  • Uncover the intricacies of both asynchronous and synchronous teaching.
  • Navigate the selection and implementation of learning management systems, empowering you to manage courses and foster student engagement.

This flagship initiative is ideal for teachers and instructors seeking to enhance their expertise.

So far, 108 persons have graduated from this programme, from 25 countries. The edition #7 is due to launch in October this year.