e-ICP#6: Subject 8 finished!

The NATO DEEP eAcademy e-Instructor Certification Programme Edition #6 has recently concluded Subject 08: Innovative Technologies in Online Teaching. This subject was dedicated to exploring the educational potential of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), highlighting different VR methods and guiding participants in developing a VR implementation plan for educational institutions. Throughout this subject, participants immersed themselves in the advanced realm of VR and AR, gaining a deep understanding of how these technologies can revolutionize online teaching. They learned to differentiate between various VR techniques and devised strategic plans to incorporate VR into their educational frameworks. Guidance was provided by three Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) from WSB University: Ph.D. Karol Jędrasiak, Ms. Iwona Choncia, and Ms. Aleksandra Wolska. With their expertise, participants acquired valuable insights and practical skills for integrating innovative technologies into their teaching practices.

As the programme progresses, the knowledge and skills developed in Subject 08 will serve as a foundation for further exploration of cutting-edge educational technologies. The combination of practical exercises and expert-led discussions ensured a comprehensive learning experience, preparing participants to lead the way in the use of VR and AR in education.