e-ICP#6: Subject 7 finished!

The NATO DEEP eAcademy e-Instructor Certification Programme Edition #6 has successfully concluded Subject 07: Multimedia Creation – Podcasts and Videocasts. This particular subject focused on equipping participants with practical skills in creating podcasts and videocasts that are both engaging and effective for educational purposes. Throughout this subject, participants engaged in hands-on exercises and interactive discussions that provided them with the essential skills needed to produce high-quality multimedia content. They gained valuable insights into seamlessly integrating podcasts and videocasts into educational settings, ensuring that their content is both engaging and effective. Tutors for this subject were two Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) from the NATO DEEP eAcademy: Assoc. Prof. Urszula Doliwa, Ph.D., and Ph.D. Szymon Zylinski. Under their expert guidance, participants were able to enhance their multimedia creation skills significantly. The objectives of Subject 07 were successfully met, with participants acquiring the ability to produce professional-grade podcasts and videocasts. 

As the programme progresses, participants will continue to build on the skills and knowledge gained in Subject 07. The hands-on approach and interactive discussions will remain central to their learning experience, providing them with continuous opportunities for practical application and collaborative engagement. Stay tuned as the next subject will focus on Innovative technologies in the online teaching.