e-ICP#6: Subject 5 finished!

Subject 5 of the NATO DEEP eAcademy e-Instructor Certification Programme Edition #6 has wrapped up, focusing on E-learning Specificity – Synchronous Teaching. Instructors Justyna Kowalczys and Danuta Pietraszkiewicz led participants through an exploration of synchronous teaching methodologies, emphasizing its requirements, benefits, drawbacks, and integration into student projects. Throughout the subject, participants gained insights into leveraging synchronous learning for real-time interaction and engagement. They acquired practical skills in implementing synchronous teaching strategies effectively, fostering collaboration and dynamic online learning experiences.

As Subject 5 concludes, participants leave equipped to enhance digital education delivery within NATO and beyond. The programme remains committed to advancing educators’ skills in synchronous teaching, empowering them to excel in the ever-evolving e-learning landscape. Stay tuned for updates as participants delve into Subject 6: E-teacher and e-learning team.