e-ICP#6: Subject 1 finished!

The NATO DEEP eAcademy e-Instructor Certification Programme edition #6 has reached its first significant milestone as we successfully conclude the first subject:  “Introduction to Advanced Distributed Learning – ADL”. Throughout this subject, participants revisited the fundamentals of e-learning, delving into essential terms and definitions while laying the groundwork for more advanced topics ahead.  Under the expert guidance of Marcin Jóźwiak (Deputy Director for Academic Affairs at NATO DEEP eAcademy) and Magdalena Stabla (NATO DEEP eAcademy Instructional Designer), the participants engaged in a series of sessions. They not only enhanced their understanding of advanced distributed learning but also encouraged critical thinking and reflection on the evolving landscape of online education. Individual work assignments, including the Digital Competence Survey, Reflection essay on the impact of online learning, and interactive Meet & Greet forums, provided participants with valuable opportunities for hands-on learning and collaborative engagement. As we transition into the second subject of the programme, participants will delve deeper into the “Methodology of distance learning”, exploring various approaches and strategies to enhance their instructional effectiveness. Stay tuned as we continue this enriching journey, empowering educators to thrive in the ever-evolving landscape of ADL and instructional design.