e-ICP#6: Subject 02 finished!

The NATO DEEP eAcademy e-Instructor Certification Program edition #6 has reached another pivotal milestone with the completion of Subject 2 – Distance Learning Methodology. Under the guidance of Assoc. Prof. Iryna Lysychkina, PhD and Assoc. Prof. Aura Codreanu, PhD participants delved into the intricacies of e-learning, exploring essential methodologies and strategies important in effective online instruction. Throughout Subject 2, participants engaged in dynamic sessions, immersing themselves in topics such as the ADDIE model and instructional strategies for digital learning environments. Interactive discussions provided a platform for collaborative learning, allowing participants to exchange insights and best practices, enriching their understanding of diverse perspectives within e-learning. The subject emphasized experiential learning, with participants undertaking practical assignments like self-evaluation quizzes and discussion board responses. This hands-on approach enabled them to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios, fostering the development of practical skills essential for success as e-instructors. As Subject 2 draws to a close, participants emerge equipped with a comprehensive toolkit to navigate the complexities of online instruction confidently. Armed with a deeper understanding of instructional design principles and effective teaching strategies, they are poised to create engaging and impactful learning experiences in the digital realm.

The completion of Subject 2 marks another significant achievement in the e-instructor certification journey. Another topic will delve into learning management systems.