e-ICP edition #6 – Subject 3 completed!

We are pleased to announce the successful culmination of Subject 3 within the NATO DEEP eAcademy e-Instructor Certification Programme. This pivotal phase, dedicated to Learning Management Systems, signifies a significant progression towards advancing our collective expertise in the domain of e-learning.

Throughout the duration of this subject, participants engaged deeply with the technical facets of e-learning, with an emphasis on harnessing the capabilities of LMS ILIAS 7.2. Under the expert guidance of our Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), Giorgi Kokhreidze and Vitalijs Slendins, participants embarked on a comprehensive learning expedition. From mastering the essential functionalities of ILIAS 7.2 to crafting engaging and interactive course content in the SCORM format, the journey was both enlightening and empowering.

Key highlights of Subject 3 include:

  • A thorough exploration of the functionalities embedded within LMS ILIAS 7.2
  • Practical application of various features to ensure effective course management
  • Proficiency in designing and developing interactive course content compliant with the SCORM standard
  • Acquisition of valuable insights into the technical intricacies underpinning e-learning methodologies

As participants successfully navigated through the rigorous curriculum of Subject 3, they not only acquired indispensable skills but also fortified their prowess within the expansive realm of e-learning. The next topic will delve into Asynchronous Teaching.