e-ICP Edition #5 update: Subject #5 completed!

Within the scope of the e-Instructor Certification Programme 9th and 16th of December were
dedicated to Subject 5: “E-learning specificity: synchronous teaching”. The tutors were Danuta
Pietraszkiewicz, NATO DEEP eAcademy Deputy Director, and Justyna Kowalczys, NATO DEEP
eAcademy Deputy Director for English Language Training.
Two synchronous BBB sessions were dedicated to a thorough analysis of:

  • Synchronous teaching application;
  • Videoconferencing tools;
  • Benefits of synchronous teaching;
  • The planning process of a synchronous lesson;
  • Problem management during synchronous teaching;
  • Associated tools used during synchronous teaching;
  • Motivation and feedback.

The participants’ active involvement in discussions, peer reflections, and good practice sharing proved
that just-in-time communication allows to build trust and create a strong community of
professionals, with further plan for international networking between military institutions.