e-ICP Edition #4 – Subject 5 completed!

Subject #5 of the NATO DEEP eAcademy e-Instructor Certification Programme (Edition #4): E-learning specificity – synchronous teaching has successfully ended.

In the 5th subject, the instructors concentrated on synchronous teaching requirements and appropriate applications, recognizing the advantages of synchronous learning, dealing with its potential drawbacks, and figuring out how to integrate it into students’ projects. Tutors of this subject were two SME’s: representing the NATO DEEP eAcademy: Justyna Kowalczys and Danuta Pietraszkiewicz.

1.What are the benefits of synchronous teaching and how does it differ from asynchronous teaching?

The NATO DEEP eAcademy team recognizes that both synchronous and asynchronous teaching methods have their advantages and can be used effectively in a variety of contexts. Synchronous teaching can be particularly useful in promoting interaction and collaboration, as students can ask questions, receive feedback and engage in real-time discussions. This can lead to increased engagement and motivation, as students feel more connected to their instructors and peers.

On the other hand, asynchronous learning provides learners with flexibility and convenience, as they can access course materials and complete assignments at their own pace and at a time that is most convenient for them. This can be especially important for learners who have busy schedules or are in different time zones. Additionally, asynchronous learning allows instructors to provide students with a variety of multimedia resources and learning activities that can enhance the learning experience.

2.What are the best practices for facilitating live online discussions and activities?

Instructors from the NATO DEEP eAcademy recommend several best practices for facilitating live online discussions and activities that can help increase engagement and participation. One important practice is to establish clear guidelines and expectations for participation, such as rules for respectful communication, protocols for raising hands or asking questions, and guidelines for participating in group discussions.

The team also recommends using interactive tools, such as breakout rooms, surveys and collaboration documents, to increase engagement and participation. For example, breakout rooms can be used to facilitate small group discussions or team activities, while surveys can be used to gather feedback and opinions from participants.

3.How can technical issues be addressed and how it can be ensured that learners have access to the necessary technology and resources?

We recognize that technical issues can be a major barrier to effective online learning. To address these issues, the team provides participants with guidance on how to select and use the right technology, as well as supports in addressing technical issues that may arise during the learning process. The tutors also provide learners with clear instructions and support them in using any technology and resources that may be required in the course.

In addition, the NATO DEEP eAcademy team recommends that instructors conduct a technology check prior to the start of a course or session to ensure that learners have access to the necessary technology and resources and that any technical issues are identified and resolved in advance.
Always a good option is to prepare Plan B, Plan C (a different tool for communication and the use of asynchronous tools).

4. What are effective time and pace management strategies in a synchronous learning environment?

The NATO DEEP eAcademy team provides instructors with a number of effective strategies for managing time and pace in a synchronous learning environment. One key strategy is to set a clear agenda or schedule for the session, including specific start and end time for each activity. This can help participants stay balanced and focused, and ensure that the session is on schedule.

In addition, the team recommends using timers and prompts to keep participants on track and make sure they have enough time to complete each activity. For example, instructors can set a timer for a specific amount of time for students to complete a task, and provide prompts or reminders to help them focus and complete the task. In addition, instructors can use techniques such as varying the pace of the session, alternating between different types of exercises and providing breaks as needed to help students stay engaged and motivated throughout the session.

We cordially invite you to participate in the next edition of eICP which is an excellent opportunity to discover the possibilities of synchronous lesson delivery and other aspects of teaching. This programme gives you a powerful dose of knowledge and comprehensively prepares you for online education activities.