13th Clearing House on Defence Education – ADL context

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As posted on the NATO website, representatives from NATO Allies and partners met in Denmark for the 13th edition of the Clearing House on Defence Education, supported by the Royal Danish Defence College. More information on the topic here. The event focused on reviewing achievements and setting future priorities for NATO’s Defence Education Enhancement Programme (DEEP). Participants underscored the value of professional military education in strengthening the defence capacities of countries like Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, and Moldova against external threats. During the event, the presentation “Advanced Distributed Learning within DEEP ─ Current picture and recommendations” was delivered by the NATO DEEP eAcademy Director. He focused on the utility of the ADL tools and solutions related to the NATO DEEP ADL Portal, demonstrating the practical values of the IACUBUS application that had been recently launched. It aims to integrate all functions of the LMS ILIAS and more while being available to download from the App Store at no cost.