Scientific conference featured NATO DEEP participants

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On April 11-12, 2024, an international scientific conference was held at the conference center of the War Studies Academy in Warsaw, on the topic: “Security Conference 2024 – International Security in the Context of Russia’s Imperial Policy”. It was a joint initiative, involving NATO DEEP eAcademy. As part of the two-day event, five plenary panels were organized with several civilian and military experts and scientists representing various environments.. It should be emphasized that participation in the conference was possible only after receiving a personal invitation. The Chatham House rule applied., which states that when a meeting, or part of it, is held according to it, participants may freely use the information obtained, provided that the identity and affiliation of the speaker, or any other participant, are not revealed. In practice, this means that speakers may express their views and present research results, give statements, and take an active part in the discussion, but it is not allowed to disclose the sources of statements and comments. Of importance is to stress the importance and topicality of the issues discussed during the two days of the debate, encouraging to continue the efforts at subsequent conferences within the walls of the War Studies University.

More about the conference at: