PfPC ADL WG Meeting Featured NATO DEEP eAcademy Participant

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On March 13-14 the NATO DEEP eAcademy representative – Jerzy Tomasik, PhD – took part in the meeting of the Working Group of the Advanced Distributed Learning Partnership for Peace Consortium. The event was organized by the Alexandru cel Bun Military Academy în Chișinău involving 18 experts. During the discussion, the focus was on strategic issues regarding cognitive warfare, interoperability, and content sharing. The last aspect covered the issue of content exchange between the Alliance countries and NATO partners – a number of new proposals were prepared to improve cooperation and content exchange. The discussion also covered the issues of the deepest possible interoperability, which would be facilitated by the creation of common platforms and tools. The last, but not least, aspect was the issue of cognitive warfare and the related challenges related to the fight against disinformation, identifying the credibility of sources and the ability to respond as quickly as possible to emerging threats in this area.
The work will result in two documents containing recommendations enabling the creation of strategies and shaping the necessary decisions in the near future.