NATO DEEP Armenia – ADL capacity building process continues

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Between 1-7th May 2024 NATO DEEP eAcademy and the Polish Association for Security organized an ADL workshop within the scope of NATO DEEP ARM in Olsztyn. This event hosted four participants from Armenia representing: the Ministry of Defence, the Military Academy named after Vazgen Sargsyan and the National Defense Research University (NDRU). The NATO DEEP eAcademy Team provided workshops on how to (1) understand the potential and importance of new technologies in military education; (2) gain practical skills in using new technologies in training processes; (3) prepare for integrating new technologies and building ADL systems into existing training programmes in Armenia; (4) facilitate the exchange of experiences and develop relationships between participants and experts from Poland; (5) develop plans for further implementation of the knowledge gained. Additionally, current NATO DEEP eAcademy training proposals were discussed.

This workshop provided space for sharing good practices and providing practical solutions. Additionally, it was possible to recognize and define real demands in terms of ADL assistance and training within Armenian military education.

Getting acquainted with the academic community was also made possible during two guest visits at the local universities. The first one held in the city of Ełk provided an opportunity to initiate scientific cooperation, supported by Marcin Radziłowicz, Ph.D., the Director of the Elk Branch of University of Warmia and Mazury and Piotr Wojnicz, Ph.D., chairman of the organizing committee of the Ist International Scientific Conference entitled “Crucial determinant factors of national security on a global, local, regional scale”. The second one involved a guest visit to the University of Warmia and Mazury followed by a guided tour of the university facilities.