NATO DEEP ARM Annual Review completed!

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The NATO DEEP delegation stayed in Armenia on the occasion of the annual review, from March 20-24, 2023. The five-member team consisted of:

  1. Prof. Sven Gareis – DEEP Armenia Policy Co-lead,
  2. BG (ret.) Ernest B. Beno  – DEEP Armenia Academic Co-lead,
  3. Senior Sergeant Ludek Kolesa – NATO DEEP Advisor,
  4. Dr. Lidra Zegali – expert on ethics and integrity in defense education. Advisor on the development of security institutions,
  5. Ms. Danuta Pietraszkiewicz – NATO DEEP eAcademy Deputy Director.

The  team was familiarised with the current situation of the key-institutions of the Armenian HMES, including the Military Aviation University, the Military Medical Faculty, NDRU and the Military University. During the meetings with the leadership and faculty members, the delegation also focused on the directions and priorities of ADL development and the importance of e-learning solutions for the military training and education process. 

Delegation also held discussions with representatives of the MoD’s Department of Military Personnel and Education, Defense Policy and International Cooperation. During  the courtesy call, the delegation was received by the Deputy Minister of Defence – Arman Sargsyan – and discussed the implementation of the NATO DEEP plan for the current year.