ILIAS Conference featured NATO DEEP eAcademy participant

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The 22nd ILIAS Conference, held in Köln, Germany, from September 6th to September 9th, 2023, brought together over 350 participants from 19 countries. The undertaking focused on three main themes: Developing ILIAS Intelligently, ILIAS in Green & Green in ILIAS, and Forward Thinking. The event successfully gathered a diverse group of experts sparking insightful discussions on developing ILIAS intelligently, promoting sustainability within ILIAS, and envisioning its future. The conference provided a platform for knowledge sharing and networking, inspiring participants to push the boundaries of ILIAS and contribute to the advancement of e-learning technologies. The presentation delivered by the NATO DEEP eAcademy representative – Vitalijs Slendins – provided a detailed update on the progress of the projects in Iraq and Tunisia. It demonstrated significant efforts in curriculum development, trainer capacity building, and digitization of resources. These initiatives aim to enhance defence education in both countries, aligning it with international standards and NATO requirements. The cooperation between NATO DEEP and the respective countries’ defence education institutions lays the foundation for sustainable partnerships and the continued advancement of defence education in Iraq and Tunisia.
For more on the main conference themes, see below.

1. Developing ILIAS Intelligently:
The conference explored ways to develop ILIAS (Integrated Learning, Information, and Assessment System) more intelligently. Key discussions included leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to enhance ILIAS functionalities such as adaptive learning, personalized feedback, and intelligent analytics. Participants shared innovative approaches and best practices on incorporating AI and ML into ILIAS to improve learning outcomes.

2. ILIAS in Green & Green in ILIAS:
Sustainability and environmental considerations took center stage during this theme. Presentations and workshops focused on implementing green initiatives within ILIAS, such as energy-efficient hosting practices, reducing carbon footprints, and integrating sustainability-related content into ILIAS courses.

3. Forward Thinking:
Under this theme, the conference aimed to explore the future of ILIAS and its potential impacts on the educational landscape. Topics discussed included emerging technologies like virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) in ILIAS, the integration of ILIAS with other learning management systems, and opportunities for international collaboration and knowledge exchange.