DEEP Bosnia and Herzegovina Annual Review

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19-20 April 2023, NATO DEEP BiH annual review was conducted. Objectives of the activity
were as follows :

(1) to jointly review the progress of the cooperation from the last annual review in 2021,

(2) to provide, by the BiH side, feedback about each single activity that was performed as part of the programme and what changes were introduced,

(3) to provide, by the NATO DEEP, observations and recommendations on the programme to moment,

(4) to identify jointly new support needed for remaining gaps and discuss the action plan for the rest of 2023 and 2024.

The NATO DEEP seven-person team was led by Pavel ANASTASOV, Programme Manager, NATO HQ. During the official meeting, the team was received by MSc. Slaven GALIĆ, Deputy Minister, accompanied by Mr. Zoran ŠAINOVIĆ, Assistant Minister for International Cooperation; Dr. Sead MURATOVIĆ, Assistant Minister for Personnel Management.


After an initial letter sent to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs and Security Policy by the Minister of Defence of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) with a request to join the Defence Education Enhancement Programme (DEEP), a team of experts conducted a scoping visit in April 2019.
In the period September 2019 – March 2023, multiple activities from the agreed action plan were performed in-person and online in the areas of Officer Professional Military Education (PME), Non-Commissioned Officers (NCO) PME, Language Training, and Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL). The main partner institutions are the Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), Professional Development Centre (PDC), and the Foreign Languages Division (FLD). An annual review was conducted in October 2021. During this review, there was also a decision to start a faculty development programme, followed by a master instructor programme for the TRADOC.