Armenia Workshop

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On 1-2nd December NATO DEEP eAcademy organized an ADL online event within DEEP Armenia.

The workshop was conducted by Justyna Kowalczys, NATO DEEP eAcademy Deputy Director for ELT, and Magdalena Stabla, NATO DEEP eAcademy Instructional Designer. It hosted participants from the Military Academy named after V. Sargsyan; the National Defense Research University (NDRU) and the Peacekeeping Brigade.

During two days the following content was delivered and discussed:

  • Digital competence of teachers – challenges of the present and future;
  • New technologies in teaching (how to use e-learning platforms and videoconferencing systems);
  • Good practices in military education on the example of activities in NATO DEEP eAcademy;
  • New trends and tools in education and training (AI, VR,AR);
  • NATO DEEP eAcademy training proposals. 

This online event answered to the current needs of academic teachers who are involved in building ADL structures for Armenian military education and training.