Another Armenia ADL Workshop

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Between 15th-22nd November NATO DEEP eAcademy organized an ADL online event within DEEP Armenia.

The workshop was conducted by Danuta Pietraszkiewicz, NATO DEEP eAcademy Deputy Director; Justyna Kowalczys, NATO DEEP eAcademy Deputy Director for ELT, and Marcin Jóźwiak, NATO DEEP eAcademy Deputy Director for Academic Affairs. It hosted participants from the Military Academy named after V. Sargsyan and the National Defense Research University (NDRU).

During three days the following content was delivered and discussed:

  • New technologies used in education from the teachers’ perspective (AI/VR).
  • Digital competence for e-teachers.
  • How to use the LMS system to conduct online classes? NATO DEEP eAcademy eICP case study.
  • Q&A session. Armenia’s needs for further online events. 

This online event provided space for sharing good practices and providing practical solutions. Additionally, it was possible to recognize and define real demands in terms of ADL assistance and training within Armenia military education.