Another ADL event featured NATO DEEP eAcademy participants

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The Partnership for Peace Consortium Advanced Distributed Learning Working Group, hosted by the NATO Centre of Excellence for Military Medicine, gathered on September 6-7, 2023, in Budapest, Hungary. This meeting brought together an assembly of nations committed to advancing military medical education and training through innovative distributed learning strategies. In total – 41 experts from 18 nations discussed different aspects of education, training, and AI integration. NATO DEEP was represented by Danuta Pietraszkiewicz, NATO DEEP eAcademy Deputy Director, and Justyna Kowalczys, NATO DEEP eAcademy Deputy Director for English Language Training.

NATO DEEP eAcademy members presented an update on the recent activities and accomplishments: online and on-site ADL workshops for DEEP partner countries; VR and AI projects (JEAN); the CALT project on adaptive learning; and the next edition of the e-Instructor Certification Programme.

Their insights, based on the NATO DEEP eAcademy experiences and lessons learned, enriched the discussions. The meeting in Budapest was marked by fruitful deliberations, informative breakout sessions, and invaluable networking opportunities, also related to the specificity of the NATO DEEP Programme. Participants departed with a clear sense of purpose and plans for advancing the field of military medical education and training through advanced distributed learning opportunities.