NATO DEEP eAcademy on the way towards VR solutions!

Two days of presentations, VR workshops and discussion panels, involving the leading experts from the new technology sectors and the representatives from the world of science. This is the essence of the 1st edition of the VRT Congress: “VR/AR applications in practice”, which took place on 14-15 July 2022 in Wisła (Poland). The event was organized under the auspices of the NATO DEEP eAcademy, within the frames of the cooperation involving five entities from Poland: Katowice Special Economic Zone, WSB University, Silesian University of Technology, VRTechnology and Moto-Profil. During the congress, various aspects related to the practical implementation/ utility of VR technology were discussed. Following, specific areas were covered: games and entertainment, medical simulations and rehabilitation, education and training, career counseling, virtual fitting, luxury goods, tourism, and also systems focused on the security and defense, cybersecurity included. 100 + participants were also familiarized with the Multimedia Shooting Range, were able to learn more about the principles of 3D scanning and motion acquisition. Also VR simulators were demonstrated. During the special ceremony, the NATO DEEP eAcademy was awarded a statuette in the category “VR in Security and Defence”.  The congress was meant as the final point of the VR workshop, organized under the auspices of the NATO DEEP eAcademy, gathering the representatives from the military education entities of the NATO DEEP Partner countries, which took place in two locations: the seat of the Katowice Special Economic Zone (12 July 2022) and WSB University (13 July 2022).