“Social Media/ VR” training events continue

In May 2023, two editions of the Social Media and VR in education/society workshop were conducted. The objectives were unchanged:

(1) familiarizing participants with social media channels and the opportunities they offer for/in training and education,

(2) familiarizing participants with Virtual Worlds, VR, and AR and the opportunities they offer for/in training and education,

(3) acquisition of digital competences and SWOT analysis strategies to develop strategies for using social media and VR/AR technologies to create educational, informational, or promotional content.

A total of 12 participants from UKR attended. All workshop participants successfully completed two final projects; therefore the objectives of the workshop were fully achieved. Feedback received was positive and emphasized the practical aspect of the sessions and the individual approach offered by the trainers. All participants graduated with certificates of completion. The workshops will continue in their standard form and aspect in June 2023. More about the essence, at: https://deepportal.hq.nato.int/eacademy/e-academy/social-media-and-vr-in-education-society/