NATO DEEP Tunisia – towards complex ADL solutions

On 10 May 2023, the dedicated event within NATO DEEP Tunisia was held. This was an online session to share the best practices, as far as the NATO DEEP eAcademy ADL experiences and recommendations are concerned. This is Vitalijs Slendins, as the NATO DEEP eAcademy expert, who e-met with 40+ representatives from the Tunisian Ministry of Defence, while the BigBlueButton was the VC platform. During the meeting, the Tunisian participants were familiarised with the specificity of synchronous and asynchronous learning, and the utility of e-learning platforms in the military education and training systems. Various options/ examples of the LMS ILIAS platform utility in the military education were demonstrated. Also, the current NATO DEEP eAcademy training/ course/ programme offer was presented. Finally, the discussion about the recommended directions of the future cooperation was held.