Episode 19 of DEEP Dive launched now!

In Episode 19 of DEEP Dive, Dr Sajjan Gohel speaks with Commander Jennifer Hurst of the Australian Federal Police (AFP). Jennifer Hurst commenced her career with the AFP in 1985 and has been involved in numerous frontline roles handling international security issues including transnational terrorism and hostile state actors. During 2003, Jennifer established and implemented the AFPs first Joint Counter Terrorism Teams (JCTT) in Sydney, Australia, working in partnership with New South Wales Police and intelligence agencies. In 2005, Jennifer was selected for a secondment to INTERPOL in Lyon, France, undertaking the role of Assistant Director for Public Safety and Security, and assisting and supporting INTERPOL member countries with their terrorism investigations. In August 2015, Jennifer was appointed as Commander for the AFP’s counter-terrorism operations, nationally and internationally. In January 2018, Jennifer was selected as the AFP’s Commander for Europe, Middle East and Africa where she has provided strategic oversight and engagement for the AFP’s activity in these regions. Commander Hurst was awarded the Australia Police Medal (APM) in 2005 for her investigational leadership in the areas of Counter Terrorism and Narcotics.

Seek out the newest episode on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts.
The complete interviews, with the transcripts, can be found at: https://deepportal.hq.nato.int/eacademy/deep-dive-podcasts/