DEEP Annual Programme Review with Azerbaijan completed

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NATO Defence Education Enhancement Programme (DEEP) conducted, on 05-09 June 2023, its annual programme review with Azerbaijan. The event took place in Baku, at the Institute of Military Management. During the meetings, the AZE and NATO DEEP sides reviewed the whole spectrum of cooperation, ADL included, as far as the previous year was concerned. The NATO DEEP delegation, consisted of four members:  Prof. Sven Gareis (DEEP Azerbaijan Policy Co-lead), David Dworak, PhD (U.S. Army War College), Prof. Kalin Kalinov, PhD (Nikola Y. Vaptsarov Naval Academy,  Bulgaria) and Jarosław Tokarczyk (NATO DEEP eAcademy), was familiarised with the current situation and developments regarding of Azerbaijani higher military education system (HMES). Such points were raised as: needs assessment, HMES capacity building conditions, strategic planning priorities, and the participation of the AZE representatives in the training courses offered by the NATO DEEP eAcademy, e-Instructor Certification Programme (e-ICP) included The requests formulated by the AZE side will be discussed and coordinated during the upcoming Clearing House conference, scheduled for 19-22 June in Bled (Slovenia).