ADL French Translation Course Development Update

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A meeting took place on August 7th to discuss the progress of creating a French version for the e-Counter Terrorism Reference Curriculum (e-CTRC) offered by ADL. The goal was to explore various options for adapting the existing English course to French, which is already accessible on the platform at

Simultaneously, the e-CTRC is undergoing translation into Ukrainian through a collaboration between NATO DEEP eAcademy and NDUU in Kyiv. The course is expected to launch in early October as part of the #5 e-ICP edition. Additionally, the e-CTRC has been translated into Polish as a result of cooperation between NATO DEEP eAcademy and the Polish Association for Security. The official course launch is planned during the SAFEPLACE Congress from November 20th to 22nd. Details can be found at

This effort to translate the course into French aligns with the coordination initiatives involving Dr. Sajjan Gohel, who leads the Global Threats Advisory Group, and Marcin Jóźwiak, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs at NATO DEEP eAcademy. During the meeting, the translation process and available tools were discussed, and participants deliberated on the upcoming stages, clarifying essential roles and responsibilities within the project team.