The Iraqi e-Learning Portal update

The Iraqi eLearning Portal keeps going from strength to strength with increased vigor from the Iraqi educational institutions. The NATO DEEP eAcademy and NATO Mission Iraq (NMI) have been working together to produce a viable Portal that will allow the Iraqis to access eLearning content. The Portal is now at initial operating capacity and Iraqis are beginning to access it for learning.  There have been two major areas that the Iraqis have started to use the Portal:

1.       NMI  is assisting the Iraqi Defence University with the running of an Executive Leadership Workshop to be held at the end of January. This has included an e-package containing pre and further reading which, when combined with the content from the lectures, will give the participants the required knowledge to successfully answer the questions posed in the syndicate discussions. The participants from this course will all be Brigadier General and above and will introduce them to what eLearning can achieve.

2.       A new NCO Leadership course has been developed between NMI and the instructors from the Elite NCO School.  An eLearning page has been set up which contains the contents of the lessons and further notes. This will allow both the instructors and students access to reading material, PowerPoints, and lesson plans to help them prepare for upcoming lessons.

Overall significant progress is being made and there feels to be a buzz around the use of the portal which will hopefully translate into tangible results.