Subject 8: Innovative technologies in the online teaching of the NATO DEEP eAcademy e-Instructor Certification Programme, Edition #3, has ended. This subject focused on possibilities given by VR and AR education, distinguishing between different VR methods as well as preparing the VR implementation plan in the educational process for institutions. Tutors of this subject were three SMEs: Ph.D and Ph.D Karol Jędrasiak, Ms. Iwona Choncia and Ms. Aleksandra Wolska from the WSB University. The next and last subject of the e-ICP will be Copyright & GDPR.

Our Tutors:
Karol Jędrasiak
Ph.D., author of 71 scientific publications, cited 604 times, H index 18. Participant in 24 large R&D projects, in five as project director. Expert in field of computer vision, computer graphics, artificial intelligence tools, computer systems development, database and sensory systems.
Iwona Choncia
MA, trainer, instructional designer. Expert in the field of teaching methodology. I have completed hundreds of e-learning training projects. I am constantly looking for modern methods and tools, which will make the learning process effective. At WSB University I manage the Centre for Modern Educational Methods and Technologies.
Aleksandra Wolska
MA in English Philology, Head of the Electronic Examination Center at WSB University. Experienced teacher and head of studies. Expert in the field of teaching methodology, modern solutions in education, and team management. t