NATO DEEP Strategy for Distance Learning Support is launched!

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On 09 December 2021, NATO’s first Defence Education Enhancement Programme (DEEP) Strategy for Distance Learning Support was launched. The goal is to provide professional military education schools and instructors in Allied and partner countries with the unique digital competencies needed to enable efficient employment of methods, forms, and tools required by the new pandemic-mandated learning system. The document transforms Allied and Partner country best practices and lessons learned into a focused strategy to guide future DEEP programme distance learning support in five specific areas: 1. Institutional Support (administration and management of a school); 2 Curriculum Development (what to teach); 3. Faculty Development (how to teach); 4. Advanced Distributive Learning Technology Support (the technology required for a modern distance learning classroom); and 5. English Language Training (teaching English Language). It analyses those lessons learned and makes recommendations on how to make online defence education and training more efficient, less costly, more versatile, and more student-centric even after COVID-19. The Strategy for Distant Learning Support can be downloaded at the link to the document on the DEEP website.