NATO DEEP Strategy for Distance Learning Support in action.

The ADL workshop within the NATO DEEP Azerbaijan, held between 13-17 December in Baku, was the first opportunity to familiarize the participants, from the NATO Partner country, with the “NATO DEEP Strategy for Distance Learning Support” and to hand out the hard copy of the document. The event was focused on building digital competencies, while the goals were as follows: (1) to familiarize the participants with the essence of the Strategy, (2) to discuss the possibilities of introducing the LMS ILIAS and BigBlueButton platforms in the education and training process, (3) to review the best practices in the field of distance learning – creating multimedia, tests, surveys, and online courses), (4) to discuss on-line tools used in foreign languages training, also focusing on Computer Assisted Language Testing – CALT, solution. The training was attended by representatives of the following institutions: War College of the Armed Forces., Military High College, National Anti-terrorism Center, University of Military Medicine.