Edition #2 of the flagship NATO DEEP eAcademy programme has ended!

A closing ceremony, marking the completion of five-month-long online sessions of the e-Instructor Certification Programme (e-ICP), was held online on 2 July 2022. During this edition, inaugurated on 26 February 2022, the participants were familiarized with the key  aspects of e-learning/ ADL. Nine subjects, 250 academic hours in total. were conducted by the faculty members and SMEs from NATO DEEP eAcademy and partner institutions, accordingly: (1) Introduction to Advanced Distributed Learning, (2) Methodology of distance learning, (3) Introduction to Learning Management Systems, (4) E-learning specificity: asynchronous teaching, (5) E-learning specificity: synchronous teaching, (6) E-teacher and e-learning team – competencies and tasks, (7) Multimedia creation – podcast, videocast, (8) Innovative technologies in online teaching, (9) Copyright & GDPR. Twenty participants from the following fourteen, NATO and Partner countries have graduated: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, Iraq, Moldova, Mongolia, Morocco, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Tunisia and Ukraine.  The NATO DEEP eAcademy team is already getting ready for the next two editions within the upcoming academic year.