e-ICP#2: Subject 01 finished!

The NATO DEEP eAcademy e-Instructor Certification Programme has reached another milestone. We’ve finished the first subject – Introduction to Advanced Distributed Learning. During this subject, we came back to the basics of e-learning – some basic terms and definitions were properly commented and the ground was set for the next, more advanced topics. Homework exercises included: Digital Competence Survey, Reflection essay on the impact of COVID-19 on e-learning, and Meet & Greet forums. The tutors were two SMEs representing NATO DEEP eAcademy: Magdalena STABLA (Instructional Designer), and Marcin JÓŹWIAK (Deputy Director for Academic Affairs). For the next two weeks, the participants will be able to go into more detail about distance learning methodology.

You can see below some of the outcomes of our discussion throughout Subject 01: