e-ICP Edition #2 Survey Feedback available!

E-Instructor Certification Programme ended in June, during this edition the participants were familiarized with the key aspects of e-learning. 

After the completion of e-ICP, the most important part was the survey of participants. We are very thankful that participants of the Second Edition E-Instructor Certification Programme decided to take the time to complete the survey and share their opinions about the course. 

We are more than happy that this feedback was favorable, and we received great opinions about our programme. Answers to almost all of the questions about rating had an 80% and higher satisfaction rate. Participants described 2 Edition of e-ICP as a great experience, well organized, or very rich programme. All of the respondents answered that they were very likely to recommend this Certification Programme to their colleagues

In the upcoming academic year, we will be organizing two editions of this flagship NATO DEEP eAcademy programme enhanced by the experience and feedback from previous editions.