The first CALT related event in 2022, was held online between 24-26 January. The NATO DEEP Team, consisting of the representatives from the NATO DEEP eAcademy and the National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Chernyakhovsky (NDUU) conducted the first pilot session, as far as the practical implementation of the computer-adaptive language testing (CALT) solution was concerned. During the event, organised online, within the NATO DEEP programme, the members of the STANAG 6001 Testing Team of Latvian National Armed Forces Language School were familiarized with the essence and the specificity of the CALT solution. These were the representatives from the Foreign Languages Education and Research Centre and ADL Research Centre of NDUU, who practically demonstrated the possibilities and advantages of the CALT software and adaptive method. from three perspectives: (1) Test Taker, (2) Test Developer, and (3) Administrator. During the three-day event, the participants also discussed the options regarding cooperation in this area, on sharing the CALT awareness by participating in the international conferences, i.e.10th Annual NORDEFCO ADL Conference in April 2022. The next CALT related event is scheduled for February 2022.