BigBlueButton – the way we teach

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It has been almost three months after starting the project ,,Running effective virtual meeting’’ by using BigBlueButton – an open source, web-conferencing system. The NATO DEEP ADL experts involved in the program are focusing on spreading BigBlueButton as a common tool of online classes. During the courses, participants had the opportunity to develop their abilities and skills in e-learning and had the possibility to experience the comfort and chances which BigBlueButton can offer. Furthermore, our team took actions to customize BBB portal for NATO DEEP ADL needs – homepage lecture about BBB and links to in-house made tutorials about using BBB, are just two examples of changes which have been taken to adapt NATO DEEP ADL portal to new demands linked to constant development and learning. 
Due to great interest of ,,Running effective virtual meeting’’ project, a new team the „Team B’’ has been established, to meet the needs of the whole NATO DEEP community and educators involved. The project is rapidly developing so the new innovations and ideas will be introduced respectively.