ADL course development based on the e-CTRC

The last event of 2021 was held between 19-21 December with the aim to kick-off a new project within NATO DEEP eAcademy. Considering the availability of the e-version of the Counterterrorism Reference Curriculum (e-CTRC), the options were discussed to develop an interactive ADL course. The activity followed the coordination efforts, based on the arrangements with Dr. Sajjan Gohel, as the leader of the team which developed the Counter-Terrorism Reference Curriculum (CTRC) and the leader of the Counter-Terrorism Action Group (CTAG).

During the meeting, points related to the basic functionalities/advantages of the available ADL tools were raised. The participants discussed the way forward and basic roles and responsibilities within the project team. The NATO DEEP eAcademy team has organized a space dedicated to the project with the aim to share resources and keep track of project progress. Access to this space was granted to required experts from CTAG and eAcademy. It was agreed that the team will hold regular meetings on the project development issues. It was noted that this project can later be a subject for translation into many languages.