NATO DEEP Armenia ADL Workshop on AI-based Solutions

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From November 7th to 12th, 2024, a workshop was held in Olsztyn, Poland, focusing on advancing military education through innovative tools and methodologies. Organized within the framework of NATO DEEP, two NATO DEEP SMEs and four participants from Armenia attended. The program aimed to enhance skills in creating multimedia materials tailored to military contexts by utilizing AI tools such as ChatGPT, Claude, and Gemini. Participants explored platforms like InVideo, ElevenLabs, Rise 360, H5P, and Canva, developing practical expertise. Sessions included an introduction to multimedia content creation with Articulate Rise, scriptwriting for instructional videos using H5P, and creating test questions and learning modules. Workshops also covered the application of the ADDIE project methodology in military education and the advantages of integrating AI in content creation. The workshop also featured discussions on ADL solutions, and recommendations for capacity-building under DEEP Armenia. Further on discussions highlighted cooperation within DEEP ADL Armenia and training needs for 2025. Finally, good practices in the organization of the ADL system were examined, using examples from NATO countries, emphasizing the strategic role of technology in military education.