NATO DEEP Mauritania ADL capacity building – update  

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A visit by a team of NATO DEEP eAcademy experts to Mauritania took place from October 6-10. During the visit, several meetings were held to summarize the cooperation in the field of ADL. Current training needs were also identified. The visit included a three-day workshop on new technologies in military education, attended by representatives of the College de Defense G5 Sahel, College National du Commandement et Etat Major, College National du Commandement et Etat Major Academie Militaire Inter-Armes and Institute Superieur de l’Anglais. The use of learning platforms, videoconferencing systems, sample multimedia development tools and their use during the training process were discussed. Good practices in the field of ADL were also discussed. Among the topics, AI tools for content and multimedia creation were presented. The importance of building awareness of using new technologies in military education among academics was indicated, including the CAMEL T&T project and LMS ILAS Bootcamp. Their importance and utility, for training digital competencies in civilian and military personnel, were emphasized.