PfPC ADL event featured NATO DEEP eAcademy SME

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The PfPC Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Working Group Workshop took place on September 12-13, 2024, in Oeiras, Portugal. More than 40 participants from 16 countries, including NATO staff and country representatives from Armenia, Bulgaria, Finland, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Moldova, North Macedonia, NATO, the Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, the UK, Ukraine, and the US, attended the event. The workshop focused on the latest developments in distributed learning, with a NATO DEEP eAcademy SME delivering a presentation on “Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) within NATO DEEP ─ Current picture and recommendations.”
During the workshop, participants collaborated on two major projects: the Brief Info Paper on “Training for Cognitive Warfare” and the Brief Info Paper on “eLearning Content Sharing”. The cognitive warfare training initiative emphasized the growing need for military personnel to be prepared for the psychological and mental challenges posed by modern conflict. Meanwhile, the eLearning content-sharing paper explored how NATO and its partners could more efficiently exchange educational materials to enhance training programmes.
Key discussions during the event focused on Modernizing Learning within military frameworks and the importance of Training for Cognitive Warfare. These sessions underscored the critical role of advanced technologies and collaborative efforts in preparing military forces for future challenges. The workshop highlighted the importance of modernizing learning systems to meet the evolving needs of NATO and partner nations.